Friday, September 19, 2014

SCAR lion king


    The lion king is about young cub Simba, whose life becomes oppressive when his uncle Scar murders Simba's dad.  Scar banishes Simba from the kingdom.  In the future Simba sees the spirit of his father that tells him to return to the kingdom and reclaim what is rightly his.  

     Scar was the brother of Mufasa.  This meant he was next in line to the throne until Mufasa had a son, Simba.  Scar was threatens by Simba and became raged and was not thinking clearly.  Scar is resentful and jealous.  If you know someone like Scar you should do something nice for them.   People do not want to be jelous so we should try and help them to become happier for others.  
Pictures courtesy of Tumblr,

Lauren Walkon, Maryam Ahmed, Sarah Qureshi, Jacob Wartel, Ben watters

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